Deaths In All 50 States: Wyoming’s Gov. Gordon Announces State’s First Death; Detroit Hospital Struggles With Higher Than Normal Mortality Rate

Media outlets report on news from Wyoming, Michigan, Wisconsin, California, Georgia and Vermont.
The Hill: Wyoming Confirms First Coronavirus Death, Making 50 States With Fatalities
Wyoming on Monday became the last state to confirm at least one death from the coronavirus. Gov. Mark Gordon (R) announced the death on Twitter, saying the man in question was a Johnson County resident with an underlying health condition. The death, Gordon wrote, “sadly serves as a grim reminder of the importance of following public health orders and guidance so we can reduce the number of serious illnesses and deaths in our state.” (Budryk, 4/13)
Detroit Free Press: As Coronavirus Death Toll Climbs, Hospitals Use Refrigerated Trucks For The Dead
Reports emerged Monday that Detroit’s Sinai-Grace Hospital is stacking the bodies of the dead in vacant rooms and propped on chairs as the coronavirus surge in southeastern Michigan continues to stress hospitals. Sinai-Grace, which is part of the Detroit Medical Center, made national headlines after photographs allegedly leaked from staff members to CNN showed stacks of white body bags piled up in empty rooms. (Shamus and Dixon, 4/13)
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin Lawmakers Plan Bill For Unemployed, Those With Coronavirus
Sweeping legislation lawmakers plan to pass in a virtual session this week would give the unemployed more benefits, provide insurance protections for those infected with coronavirus, shield health care providers from liability and allow the state to claim an extra $150 million in federal aid every three months. Wisconsin is in a minority of states with lawmakers who haven’t yet passed legislation or a resolution related to the coronavirus pandemic, which began to spread here on March 2. (Marley and Beck, 4/13)
KQED: Newsom Announces Aid For Foster Care Youth Affected By COVID-19, New Agreement With Oregon And Washington
California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday that the state plans to allocate $42 million — including $1.6 million from the federal government — to address the needs of young people in foster care and others living in low-income families. “Bottom line is we have less social worker visits, we have less child welfare referrals because kids are not at school and because people are practicing physical distancing. And that means we still have to find creative ways to safeguard the well-being of our children,” Newsom told KQED. (Shafer and Lagos, 4/13)
San Francisco Chronicle: Some California Tenants Who Are Deferring Rent Payments Being Asked About Savings
California renters who have lost income because of the coronavirus shutdown are protected from eviction for 90 days after the health emergency is over, California’s courts have ruled — giving tenants tacit permission to defer paying rent for three months. But what about tenants who have lost income but can pay rent from their savings or investments? Are landlords permitted to ask that tenants dip into their savings or 401(k) accounts in order to meet their rent obligations? (Dineen, 4/13)
Modern Healthcare: Ga. Man Charged With Attempting To Defraud VA In COVID-19 Scam
An Atlanta resident has been charged with fraud after allegedly attempting to sell millions of non-existent respirator masks to the Veterans Affairs Department, the Justice Department said Friday. Christopher Parris, 39, was charged with wire fraud in a federal court in Washington, D.C. (Cohen, 4/13)
Burlington Free Press: Coronavirus In VT: One Month Into A State Of Emergency, What’s Next?
It has been one month since Vermont Gov. Phil Scott issued an emergency declaration because of the new coronavirus, and officials believe the state may be nearing the peak of the pandemic. On Monday, Scott and Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine reiterated that the mitigation and containment methods that Vermonters are using are working. They are hopeful that the number of COVID-19 cases in Vermont might soon plateau and then decrease. (Murray, 4/13)
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