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Reporting Multiple Injections 96372



When billing for professional services, you should report 96372 Therapuetic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection, specify substance, or drug; subcutaneous or intramuscular for each medically appropriate injection provided, as instructed in CPT Assistant (May 2010; Volume 20: Issue 5):


Question: What is the appropriate CPT code to report when a patient receives two or three intramuscular injections?

Answer: CPT code 96372… should be reported for each intramuscular (IM) injection performed. Therefore, if two or three injections are performed, it would be appropriate to separately report code 96372 for each injection. Modifier 59, Distinct Procedural Service, would be appended to the second and any subsequent injection codes listed on the claim form. Note that for professional reporting, code 96732 requires direct physician supervision. It is reported per injection, even if more than one substance or drug is in the single injection.

Note that when reporting multiple injections for professional services, you should append modifier 59 Distinct procedural service to the second and subsequent units of 96372.

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